Wednesday, October 23, 2013

To sleep or not to sleep

I'm laying here in bed exhausted from work thinking about how I better get to sleep before I have to feed Gracie... And it's only 9 pm. I barely remember those days long past of getting ready to go out at about 9 pm! Forget partying... This momma just wants to know when she will get a full nights rest again. Seriously, one of my besties and I were talking about how frigging tired we are and how we just want to get into a deep sleep again. So, when does this happen for most babes? I had this illusion pre-Gracie that at around 8 months she would be sleeping through the night. What I have now realized is that she has night terrors, teething, snotty nose, fevers, and a whole other list of reasons why she wakes up throughout the night. Although I love that I can comfort her back to sleep by nursing or rocking her, I'm excited for the days of full sleep. As adamant as I am about breast feeding, I always am curious what she would do if I fed her formula. So many moms have told me about their kids sleeping through the night early on because of formula. I guess this is the price I pay for choosing breast milk. At least she sleeps in her own bed. A friend of mine was telling me she was at her wits end with co-sleeping for the last year with her daughter. She said she wakes up constantly to breast feed and she believes it's because she is right there next to her which wakes her baby up just from her being near. Positive thinking, right? Let's just all pray that by one year we are all snoozing in the Trunnell household. Speaking of snoozing... Goodnight all!

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