Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Punching Out Fear

Gracie had a fever again in the middle of the night last night. It was 100.2, not alarming but after last weekend, I was worried. I gave her Motrin and sent out a couple texts to my mom network. I wasn't sure if having another fever is normal so quickly after the last episode. Is the croup coming back? Is she not going to breathe again? Being a mom, but especially a new mom is so scary. There is a lot of fear when things go wrong because you second guess what you are doing and if you are doing all you can. A Facebook friend of mine wrote something this morning that cracked me up, and I will think of it every time Gracie gets sick. She said, "Sometimes you need to just punch fear in the face and tell it to shut-up." LOL. Seriously though, I love it. Sometimes fear can overwhelm me as a mom and what might happen. Sometimes you need to just stop fear from taking over your mind and just deal with what is and know that it will be ok.

I also got some great advice from my 'mommy network' last night and it goes as follows:
Take Gracie out in the cold air and rock her. The cool air will help with the cough.
Take her into the shower with me and rock her, the water and me rocking can be very soothing.
Rotate Motrin and Tylenol every 3 hours. Because the body uses different organs to process each medicine, you can use them closer together to help keep the fever away.
Use a great product called Be Kool Pads on their forehead or neck to help with the fever as well.

I love my mom friends!! Here's to a great day since I punched fear and tiredness in the face already this morning... ;)

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