Monday, December 30, 2013

The Pediatrician, The Expert, Right?

I have learned a lot in the last 10 months being a mom, but one lesson I have learned recently it that not everyone knows everything, especially when it comes to my kid. I have taken everything that my pediatrician has told me as off I must follow him because he knows exactly what's right, right? Wrong. Totally wrong. He has some really great ideas and feedback, but what I have realized time and again is that I know more of what is right of for my daughter than anyone else because I have spent more time with her than anyone else and I have my mommy sense. A good example of this is the diaper rash/ yeast infection situation I was dealing with for a couple of months. During maternity leave Gracie might have had diaper rash once, and I think it was because I was overusing wipes and her little skin was so brand new. I also think that I didn't change her enough at night because I didn't know, and yes I feel mom guilt from that! Thank goodness my best friend told me her routine of changing them right when they wake for a night time feeding. That it's worth hearing them scream for a minute and them give them the boob and they go right back to sleep. Once I went to daycare it seemed to be happening all the time. This of course worried me and I have an awesome daycare provider, but you start to wonder what the heck is going on all day long for this to keep happening! I asked my pediatrician for ideas, scoured the internet and quizzed all my mom friends and I really couldn't figure out what was happening. I got shut down by my pediatrician saying that first, it wasn't a yeast rash, and that it must be what I was feeding her. Well, I though about it and there was no way it was her food. I have fed her nothing but breast milk and pure homemade foods since she was born. My daycare provider and I even narrowed her food down to bland foods one at a time to see if there was a reaction. At one point at the end  Nystatin didn't even work to get rid of the yeast rash that I finally got the doctor to look at and give me a prescription. We even tried different types of diapers and I started to analyze the foods that I was eating to see if that might be causing it. Of course it turns out it was the bubble bath and I'm happy to report that a few weeks later we STILL have perfect skin in her sensitive areas! Yahoo! But, it makes me disappointed in my pediatrician that he didn't help me more or provide more support. He has pushed me off like this several times as if I'm a new mom and worry too much. Or, that I am not worthy to spend more than the allotted time. Interestingly enough, when my husband goes with me his tune seems to change a bit. It makes me want to chew his butt and say, "I'm sorry, but I'm a highly educated woman who is not only intelligent, professional and classy, but I'm paying your ass to listen to me right now, so show some respect!" HAHA. He also seems to be annoyed at me that I only allow them to give Gracie one shot at a time. She has such horrible reactions to the shots each time, I would hate to give her several and have a bad allergic reaction on my hands. Does anyone else have these types of situations with their Pediatrician? He hasn't been bad every time, I just painted him to be a super bad guy, but I do realize that when I ask him things or tell him about my daughter, he really doesn't have all the answers. Neither does the internet, family or friends. That's what makes it so hard sometimes to be a parent and the mom. That you have to make some important decisions and sometimes you have to chose even though you have no idea if it's right or not. I'm looking forward to my second pregnancy and child, hopefully by them I can put all this new knowledge to use and not feel so stressed! I have to admit though, it is getting a little easier the older she gets. :)

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