Saturday, March 15, 2014

Becoming Wonder Woman

I haven't written an blog post in several months, and there is a really great reason for this: I have been practicing being Wonder Woman! No, really, I have. My husband and I made the choice for me to accept a new position in my company, one that is at the Manager level and with it has come many challenges and bumps along the way. Not only that, but I now oversee four different businesses in the Food and Beverage industrty that are all operating seven days a week and one that is 24 hours a day. This matched with the large learning curve and massive amount of work that is needed to get the training manuals, staff morale, promotion and marketing and consistency up to par has made for a very tired momma and wife. Although I have learned a lot over the past couple months, I have also had to give up quality time and energy for my family. Going into this I knew that would be the case however, and some times it's these every day sacrificies that we as Wonder Women/ Mom's/ Dad's have to make to keep our family going in the right direction. This has also meant that I have continued to rely on my amazing husband more and more as now he has had to pick up the weight and responsiblities that I have had to give up such as picking up our daughter in the afternoon and feeding her dinner; sometimes bathing her and putting her to bed. It's difficult for me to not be involved in these things but it has been so amazing to watch their bond and relationship grow as dad and daughter and my love and adoration for my husband has only grown. It also makes me think a lot about the sacrifices my own mother made as a single mother (I seriously have no idea how she was able to raise three of us alone!) and the inner strength she must have to have kept it all together and to keep trucking along and keeping us in line. It also makes me think how the heck do parents of twins do it! Maybe it's their norm... oh well. The point is, good parents and good mommas just do it. They step up and they make it happen for their babes, their husbands, their friends. You somehow manage to fit it all in. Sometimes it's not perfect, sometimes you drop the ball, sometimes  you irritate your husband because you don't have it in you to wash the dishes or even put  your plate in the dish washer 5 days in a row. But, we are doing it as a family, getting me the experience to build my resume and the money to get us into a place in life we as a family unit want to be. On my hard days I wonder if  I made the right choice, but I look at my daughter and I know that I want to be the woman she will admire someday and I want her to not be afraid of change, to be a woman of leadership and to dive into all of the challenges that life throws at her head first and fist upward, just like Wonder Woman. I have no idea where my future career will lead me and how long I will do one thing or another, but I will continue to battle and be the best woman I can be each day with this image in my mind, and my Wonder Woman cup of coffee in my hand. Bring it on world!

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