Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekend vs. Weekday Mommy

I finally feel like I am in some sort of routine with being back to work (even though I'm still so sad that I can't be home with my girl). But, it's crazy how much my role changes from weekday working mommy to the weekend full time home mommy. During the week I'm flying by the seat of my pants from one task to the next. I feel like I'm literally packing, cleaning, pumping and trying not to forget anything. On top of this I'm working on financial problems all day and trying (key word) to put Gracie and all thoughts related to her to the side enough to focus and get something accomplished at my desk! Weekday me goes back and forth between wanting to clean, work on projects, have some 'me' time, some husband time, cook something since he does all the weekday cooking and I want to give him a break, make baby food for the week for Gracie, all while wanting to spend every minute with her that I can since I feel like I missed out too much during the week. Sounds good, right?! HAHA. Seriously, how do we moms make it all happen? Working or staying at home, it's nearly impossible. I can't find the article now, but somewhere I read about how much the family dynamics have changed and it really has created a role for the parent(s) mother father, sole care giver to be a super parent. Back in the day we used to have a ton of family either in the same home, on the same property or at least very nearby. The idea was that grandmas, aunts, and sisters would all be around to help keep your world going with preparing food, cleaning the home, watching the babe so that you weren't a one man show. Also, a lot of the families back in the day had only one income. These days I really feel like it takes two to raise a family and have a nice home, two cars and everything that goes with it! How sad that society has changed so much that our focus is no longer on family and helping each other out. Spending quality time with our little ones. I have a great daycare for Gracie, but I still get so sad that I am missing so much time with her! Hopefully in the near future we can figure out something to have more time watching her grow, play and learn.

1 comment:

  1. It really does take a village! What you're saying is so true. Ry and I would kill to have more family nearby. Just someone we could trust with the kids at night so we could go out to dinner and a movie every once in a while. Instead our "date nights" are after the kids go to bed and we can finally have some quiet time. I can tell you that you'd think being a SAHM I'd have so much time to just get so much stuff done. Well, that's not the way. I allow myself a lunch break, to chill and eat for a half hour, but otherwise I'm up and running with those kiddos all day! And I only have two! Being a mom is truly a FULL TIME job.
