Monday, November 4, 2013


I was talking with a new mommy friend of mine and she mentioned how she wish she hadn't of done some late night reading on the Internet about SIDS. Her baby was premature so he is tiny (but perfect!) She said she is so freaked out now to even put him in his bassinet to sleep at night. I remember feeling the same way and Gracie was 4 days over her due date. I felt so frozen by fear. It's like, here is this perfect baby and oh by the way, some scary ass syndrome that no one knows why it happens can just steal your baby like a thief in the night. OMG! Needless to say, I was scared shitless and slept with her on my chest for the first 8 weeks with a pile of pillows all around me so that I didn't drop her or rollover on her. SIDS might be the single scariest thing to deal with mentally as a new mom. I have eased my mind over the last few months about this topic, but talking with my new mommy friend has brought it to the forefront of my mind. Why the hell don't we know more about this? How can there be no warning signs? There could be nothing more terrible for a mother than loosing her baby to SIDS so unexpectedly. My mind is heavy thinking of all those babies lost to SIDS and other unfair conditions. I feel so lucky and blessed to have my Miss Gracie.

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