Friday, November 1, 2013

Personal Protection

I've had thoughts about this subject before when I lived alone as a single woman, but it has been even further at the forefront of my mind since I've become a mom. What do other women do for personal protection? A friend of mine at work went to a friend's house party called a 'personal protection party'. She chose to buy a taser gun. In the past I have carried both a knife and pepper spray, but what do I want to do as a mom? Of course I worry about her getting into it later and hurting herself or others, so anything I chose I would absolutely take the proper steps to make sure Gracie was never in danger. But, I also have been noticing shady things happening lately around work, home, and even town. Is it that I have a super sense now that I'm a mom/ momma bear per se, or are things really getting shady these days? Either way, my husband and I have been talking about getting me training and a handgun. I want to protect my baby and be ready for any and all situations that might happen. So, I'm curious; what the heck are all the other mommas doing out there?? I'm just not sure what I want to do. Statistically women tend to get guns taken from them and used against them. But, I also would hate to not be able to do anything if something where to happen in or around my home… Hmm. I'll just have to think more about this and decide. I was also thinking I'd go to the shooting range with my husband and see how comfortable I get handling a gun before I even think about buying one. Yikes...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok first of all, dude you carried a knife!? Wow. Secondly, Ry and I have gone round and round about the handgun issue. Not so much me carrying it on my person (because god knows they'd get it from me or I wouldn't be able to safely retrieve in a timely fashion with the 40 things I'm usually carrying my gigantic purse), but having it in the house. I worry BIG TIME about having kids and guns under the same roof, and this is coming from someone who grew up with guns, lots and lots of guns, under her roof. They make gun boxes now that require a fingerprint scan before opening, and that's promising, but if anything ever happened to my kid because of my own gun.... ugh. Sorry, this isn't helping. :-/
