Thursday, August 7, 2014

Changes are scary.

I'm pretty sure it's been about 7 months since my last blog. Why? Because that's about the time I took on a new challenge and adventure in my career. It was scary as hell, and the learning curve was tremendous, but I have persevered and learned so much! Why am I writing a blog post now? Well, I have another scary change coming at the end of this week; I'm leaving a place I have worked at for almost five years to go back to the classroom. Although this brings many sad emotions from leaving a place I have grown to be comfortable in and have developed so many new friendships; I am so excited to be returning to the classroom. I have this since of returning 'home'. I know it's corny, but I can't wait to be in my environment again. I have been reflecting and wondering if I should have taken on this last seven months as a manager with all it's extra work hours and stresses. I have finally put those thoughts to rest knowing that how much I have developed as a professional and the confidence I have gained in myself to stand up for what I believe it right. I am a fighter! The most important thing is that I see how strong my family is and how supportive my husband is no matter what challenges we are faced with. This last seven months hasn't been easy, but I have have shown my daughter that she can be and do what ever she puts her mind to in life; it doesn't matter your background or race, but that determination will win in the end. Yes, she doesn't know that now, but she will... The most important part of this story is that I'm finishing one chapter this week and starting another that includes shaping young minds, using my creativity again and incorporating my family back into my work life through FFA BBQ's and farm days. I'm so happy with this next move in my life and I hope the story plays out to a happy ending. You would think with how much life changes we would be more adept at dealing with change. Heck, our own bodies even look different ever day, but I still get just a freaked out with each change in life!

1 comment:

  1. Of course you're freaked out! It's scary leaving what you've grown comfortable with for the (semi-)unknown! But you'll be AWESOME, of course. Those kids are so lucky to have you. You're a great teacher, good luck!
